- fixtures
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Binary
- BinaryDataException
- BinaryStream
- Limits
- BinaryTest
- AssumptionFailedError
- This exception should be thrown in places where something is assumed to be true, but the type system does not provide
a guarantee. This makes static analysers happy and makes sure that the server will crash properly if any assumption
does not hold.
- Config
- Config Class for simple config manipulation of multiple formats.
- Filesystem
- Git
- Internet
- InternetException
- InternetRequestResult
- MainLogger
- MainLoggerThread
- ObjectSet
- Process
- Random
- XorShift128Engine Random Number Noise, used for fast seeded values
Most of the code in this class was adapted from the XorShift128Engine in the php-random library.
- ReversePriorityQueue
- ServerException
- ServerKiller
- Specialized Thread class aimed at PocketMine-MP-related usages. It handles setting up autoloading and error handling.
- SignalHandler
- StringToTParser
- Handles parsing any Minecraft thing from strings. This can be used, for example, to implement a user-friendly item
parser to be used by the /give command (and others).
- Terminal
- TextFormat
- Class used to handle Minecraft chat format, and convert it to other formats like HTML
- Timezone
- Utils
- Big collection of functions
- VersionString
- Manages PocketMine-MP version strings, and compares them
- CloningRegistryTraitTest
- ConfigTest
- EnumTraitTest
- TestCloningRegistry
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- TestEnum
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- CloningRegistryTrait
- DestructorCallbackTrait
- This trait provides destructor callback functionality to objects which use it. This enables a weakmap-like system
to function without actually having weak maps.
- EnumTrait
- NotCloneable
- NotSerializable
- RegistryTrait
- SingletonTrait