Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Plugin
- It is recommended to use PluginBase for the actual plugin
- PluginLoader
- Handles different types of plugins
- PluginOwned
- This interface may be implemented by objects which are owned by plugins, to allow them to be identified as such.
- ResourceProvider
- ApiVersion
- DiskResourceProvider
- Provides resources from the given plugin directory on disk. The path may be prefixed with a specific access protocol to enable special types of access.
- PharPluginLoader
- Handles different types of plugins
- PluginBase
- PluginDescription
- PluginDescriptionCommandEntry
- PluginDescriptionParseException
- Thrown when invalid things are found in a PluginDescription during loading
- PluginEnableOrder
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- PluginException
- PluginGraylist
- PluginLoadabilityChecker
- PluginLoadTriage
- PluginLogger
- PluginManager
- Manages all the plugins
- ScriptPluginLoader
- Simple script loader, not for plugin development For an example see
- ApiVersionTest
- PluginOwnedTrait