Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- PlayerBlockAction
- This is used for PlayerAuthInput packet when the flags include PERFORM_BLOCK_ACTIONS
- ActorEvent
- BlockPaletteEntry
- BlockPosition
- BoolGameRule
- BossBarColor
- CacheableNbt
- ChunkCacheBlob
- DeviceOS
- DimensionIds
- EducationEditionOffer
- EducationSettingsAgentCapabilities
- EducationSettingsExternalLinkSettings
- EducationUriResource
- Enchant
- EnchantOption
- Experiments
- FloatGameRule
- GameMode
- GameRule
- GameRuleType
- GeneratorType
- InputMode
- IntGameRule
- ItemComponentPacketEntry
- ItemInteractionData
- ItemTypeEntry
- LevelEvent
- LevelSettings
- LevelSoundEvent
- MapDecoration
- MapImage
- MapTrackedObject
- MultiplayerGameVisibility
- ParticleIds
- PlayerAction
- PlayerAuthInputFlags
- These flags are used in PlayerAuthInputPacket's inputFlags field.
- PlayerBlockActionStopBreak
- PlayerBlockActionWithBlockInfo
- This is used for PlayerAuthInput packet when the flags include PERFORM_BLOCK_ACTIONS
- PlayerListEntry
- PlayerMovementSettings
- PlayerMovementType
- PlayerPermissions
- PlayMode
- Enum used by PlayerAuthInputPacket. Most of these names don't make any sense, but that isn't surprising.
- ScoreboardIdentityPacketEntry
- ScorePacketEntry
- SpawnSettings
- StructureEditorData
- StructureSettings
- SubChunkPacketHeightMapInfo
- SubChunkPacketHeightMapType
- SubChunkRequestResult
- UIProfile
- UpdateSubChunkBlocksPacketEntry
- GetTypeIdFromConstTrait