Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- ConsumableItem
- Interface implemented by objects that can be consumed by mobs.
- FoodSourceItem
- Interface implemented by objects that can be consumed by mobs.
- Releasable
- Interface implemented by objects that can be used.
- Apple
- Armor
- ArmorTypeInfo
- Arrow
- Axe
- BakedPotato
- Bamboo
- Banner
- Bed
- Beetroot
- BeetrootSeeds
- BeetrootSoup
- BlazeRod
- Boat
- Book
- Bow
- Bowl
- Bread
- Bucket
- Carrot
- ChorusFruit
- Clock
- Clownfish
- Coal
- CocoaBeans
- Compass
- CookedChicken
- CookedFish
- CookedMutton
- CookedPorkchop
- CookedRabbit
- CookedSalmon
- Cookie
- DriedKelp
- Durable
- Dye
- Egg
- EnderPearl
- ExperienceBottle
- Fertilizer
- FishingRod
- FlintSteel
- Food
- GlassBottle
- GoldenApple
- GoldenAppleEnchanted
- GoldenCarrot
- Hoe
- Item
- ItemBlock
- Class used for Items that can be Blocks
- ItemBlockWallOrFloor
- ItemFactory
- Manages deserializing item types from their legacy ID/metadata.
- ItemIdentifier
- ItemIds
- ItemUseResult
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- LegacyStringToItemParser
- LegacyStringToItemParserException
- LiquidBucket
- Melon
- MelonSeeds
- MilkBucket
- Minecart
- MushroomStew
- PaintingItem
- Pickaxe
- PoisonousPotato
- Potato
- Potion
- PotionType
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- ProjectileItem
- Pufferfish
- PumpkinPie
- PumpkinSeeds
- RabbitStew
- RawBeef
- RawChicken
- RawFish
- RawMutton
- RawPorkchop
- RawRabbit
- RawSalmon
- Record
- Redstone
- RottenFlesh
- Shears
- Shovel
- Skull
- Snowball
- SpawnEgg
- SpiderEye
- SplashPotion
- Steak
- Stick
- StringItem
- StringToItemParser
- Handles parsing items from strings. This is used to interpret names from the /give command (and others).
- SweetBerries
- Sword
- TieredTool
- Tool
- ToolTier
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- Totem
- VanillaItems
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- WheatSeeds
- WritableBook
- WritableBookBase
- WritableBookPage
- WrittenBook
- BannerTest
- ItemFactoryTest
- ItemTest
- LegacyStringToItemParserTest
- ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait
- This trait encapsulates all enchantment handling needed for itemstacks.