Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- PlayerBedEnterEvent
- PlayerBedLeaveEvent
- PlayerBlockPickEvent
- Called when a player middle-clicks on a block to get an item in creative mode.
- PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
- PlayerBucketEvent
- PlayerBucketFillEvent
- PlayerChangeSkinEvent
- Called when a player changes their skin in-game.
- PlayerChatEvent
- Called when a player chats something
- PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
- Called when a player runs a command or chats, early in the process
- PlayerCreationEvent
- Allows the creation of players overriding the base Player class
- PlayerDataSaveEvent
- Called when a player's data is about to be saved to disk.
- PlayerDeathEvent
- PlayerDisplayNameChangeEvent
- PlayerDropItemEvent
- Called when a player tries to drop an item from its hotbar
- PlayerDuplicateLoginEvent
- Called when a player connects with a username or UUID that is already used by another player on the server.
- PlayerEditBookEvent
- PlayerEmoteEvent
- Called when a player uses an emote.
- PlayerEntityInteractEvent
- Called when a player interacts with an entity (e.g. shearing a sheep, naming a mob using a nametag).
- PlayerEvent
- PlayerExhaustEvent
- PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
- Called when a player gains or loses XP levels and/or progress.
- PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
- Called when a player has its gamemode changed
- PlayerInteractEvent
- Called when a player interacts or touches a block (including air?)
- PlayerItemConsumeEvent
- Called when a player eats something
- PlayerItemHeldEvent
- PlayerItemUseEvent
- Called when a player uses its held item, for example when throwing a projectile.
- PlayerJoinEvent
- Called when the player spawns in the world after logging in, when they first see the terrain.
- PlayerJumpEvent
- Called when a player jumps
- PlayerKickEvent
- Called when a player leaves the server
- PlayerLoginEvent
- Called after the player has successfully authenticated, before it spawns. The player is on the loading screen when this is called.
- PlayerMoveEvent
- PlayerPreLoginEvent
- Called when a player connects to the server, prior to authentication taking place.
- PlayerQuitEvent
- Called when a player leaves the server
- PlayerRespawnEvent
- Called when a player is respawned
- PlayerToggleFlightEvent
- PlayerToggleSneakEvent
- PlayerToggleSprintEvent
- PlayerTransferEvent