Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- BlockBreakEvent
- Called when a player destroys a block somewhere in the world.
- BlockBurnEvent
- Called when a block is burned away by fire.
- BlockEvent
- BlockFormEvent
- Called when a new block forms, usually as the result of some action.
- BlockGrowEvent
- Called when plants or crops grow.
- BlockItemPickupEvent
- Called when a block picks up an item, arrow, etc.
- BlockPlaceEvent
- Called when a player places a block
- BlockSpreadEvent
- Called when a block spreads to another block, such as grass spreading to nearby dirt blocks.
- BlockTeleportEvent
- BlockUpdateEvent
- Called when a block tries to be updated due to a neighbor change
- LeavesDecayEvent
- Called when leaves decay due to not being attached to wood.
- SignChangeEvent
- Called when a sign's text is changed by a player.
- StructureGrowEvent
- Called when structures such as Saplings or Bamboo grow.