Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- ActivatorRail
- Simple non-curvable rail.
- Air
- Air block
- Anvil
- Bamboo
- BambooSapling
- Barrel
- BaseBanner
- BaseCoral
- BaseRail
- BaseSign
- Beacon
- Bed
- Bedrock
- Beetroot
- Bell
- Block
- BlockBreakInfo
- BlockFactory
- Manages deserializing block types from their legacy blockIDs and metadata.
- BlockIdentifier
- BlockIdentifierFlattened
- BlockLegacyIdHelper
- BlockLegacyIds
- BlockLegacyMetadata
- Constants for legacy metadata for various blocks.
- BlockToolType
- Types of tools that can be used to break blocks Blocks may allow multiple tool types by combining these bitflags
- BlueIce
- BoneBlock
- Bookshelf
- BrewingStand
- BrownMushroom
- BrownMushroomBlock
- Button
- Cactus
- Cake
- Carpet
- Carrot
- CarvedPumpkin
- ChemicalHeat
- ChemistryTable
- Chest
- Clay
- Coal
- CoalOre
- Cobweb
- CocoaBlock
- Concrete
- ConcretePowder
- Coral
- CoralBlock
- CraftingTable
- Crops
- DaylightSensor
- DeadBush
- DetectorRail
- Simple non-curvable rail.
- DiamondOre
- Dirt
- Door
- DoublePlant
- DoubleTallGrass
- DragonEgg
- DriedKelp
- DyedShulkerBox
- Element
- EmeraldOre
- EnchantingTable
- EnderChest
- EndPortalFrame
- EndRod
- Farmland
- Fence
- FenceGate
- Fire
- FletchingTable
- FloorBanner
- FloorCoralFan
- FloorSign
- Flowable
- Flower
- FlowerPot
- FrostedIce
- Furnace
- Glass
- GlassPane
- GlazedTerracotta
- GlowingObsidian
- Glowstone
- Grass
- GrassPath
- Gravel
- HardenedClay
- HardenedGlass
- HardenedGlassPane
- HayBale
- Hopper
- Ice
- InfestedStone
- ItemFrame
- Jukebox
- Ladder
- Lantern
- LapisOre
- Lava
- Leaves
- Lever
- Liquid
- LitPumpkin
- Log
- Loom
- Magma
- Melon
- MelonStem
- MonsterSpawner
- MushroomStem
- Mycelium
- NetherPortal
- NetherQuartzOre
- Netherrack
- NetherReactor
- NetherWartPlant
- Note
- Opaque
- PackedIce
- Planks
- Podzol
- Potato
- PoweredRail
- Simple non-curvable rail.
- PressurePlate
- PumpkinStem
- Rail
- RedMushroom
- RedMushroomBlock
- Redstone
- RedstoneComparator
- RedstoneLamp
- RedstoneOre
- RedstoneRepeater
- RedstoneTorch
- RedstoneWire
- Reserved6
- Sand
- Sapling
- SeaLantern
- SeaPickle
- ShulkerBox
- SimplePressurePlate
- Skull
- Slab
- Slime
- Snow
- SnowLayer
- SoulSand
- Sponge
- StainedGlass
- StainedGlassPane
- StainedHardenedClay
- StainedHardenedGlass
- StainedHardenedGlassPane
- Stair
- Stem
- StoneButton
- StonePressurePlate
- StraightOnlyRail
- Simple non-curvable rail.
- Sugarcane
- SweetBerryBush
- TallGrass
- Thin
- Torch
- Transparent
- Trapdoor
- TrappedChest
- Tripwire
- TripwireHook
- UnderwaterTorch
- UnknownBlock
- VanillaBlocks
- This doc-block is generated automatically, do not modify it manually.
- Vine
- Wall
- WallBanner
- WallCoralFan
- WallSign
- Water
- WaterLily
- WeightedPressurePlate
- WeightedPressurePlateHeavy
- WeightedPressurePlateLight
- Wheat
- Wood
- WoodenButton
- WoodenDoor
- WoodenFence
- WoodenPressurePlate
- WoodenSlab
- WoodenStairs
- WoodenTrapdoor
- Wool
- BlockTest
- BrewingStandTest
- MyCustomBlock
- OutOfBoundsBlock
- StrangeNewBlock