Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Container
- Nameable
- Banner
- Barrel
- Beacon
- Bed
- Bell
- BlastFurnace
- BrewingStand
- Chest
- Comparator
- DaylightSensor
- EnchantTable
- EnderChest
- FlowerPot
- Furnace
- Hopper
- ItemFrame
- Jukebox
- MonsterSpawner
- NormalFurnace
- Note
- ShulkerBox
- Sign
- Skull
- Smoker
- Spawnable
- Tile
- TileFactory
- ContainerTrait
- This trait implements most methods in the {@link Container} interface. It should only be used by Tiles.
- NameableTrait
- This trait implements most methods in the {@link Nameable} interface. It should only be used by Tiles.